Cat Welfare 2019 Liège
Sophie Vandenabeele

Dr Sophie Vandenabeele

Sophie Vandenabeele is born on August 24th 1974 in Bruges.

She started her studies in Veterinary Medicine at the university of Ghent and obtained her degree of veterinarian in 1999.

Once graduated, she did an internship in the veterinary practice and was visiting veterinarian in Cornell University (supervised by Dr Scott and Dr Miller) and was visiting veterinarian in the University of Guelph at the dermatopathology department with Dr J Yager.

In 2001 she started a residency in veterinary dermatology at the University of Davis, in California. She became a member of the American College of Veterinary Dermatology in 2004. After completion of the residency, she stayed in Davis for a year of clinical lecturer in veterinary dermatology and then started as an assistant at the small animal department in 2004.

In 2006 she became a member of the European College of Veterinary Dermatology.

In 2009 she became a clinical lecturer in veterinary dermatology at the small animal department of the faculty of veterinary medicine in Ghent.

In 2014 she successfully finished her PhD entitled new insights in canine recurrent flank alopecia.

Sophie Vandenabeele is author and co-author of several international publications.